Let’s talk about Pelvic health
One of the biggest challenges with improving pelvic healthcare is educating and inspiring others to become aware of their own pelvic health and needs.
It’s so important that people are able to self select and seek the right care and support from the right person at the right time.
Let’s just take a moment to let that sink in.
For many of us we are oblivious to pelvic health and certainly don’t know if it applies to us.
Here’s what you need to know:
🌸 what are your pelvic health needs?
🌸 why does it matter?
🌸 when should you seek help if you have any concerns?
Many people are fobbed off with pelvic health concerns as “normal and common” and “just get on with it”.
Newsflash: yes it’s common, but NO it NOT NORMAL.
It matters because you are important, you deserve better knowledge and awareness to help you live your best quality of life you can.
It takes an average of FIVE years for someone to ask for help with their pelvic health symptoms. FIVE years! That is bonkers!! There is a research that shows a direct correlation between children starting school and parents finally tuning back into their bodies and needs.
We need to talk about WORDING. I’m really interested to know what do the words “Pelvic Health Care” bring to your mind?
Does urinary incontinence mean anything to you?
Or does bladder leakage?
How about wetting yourself?
Which words can you relate to??
Time to change the conversation around pelvic health and that change IS coming.
It doesn’t just happen to old people. It affects us all and it’s time we embrace it and not cover it up with embarrassment and shame.
Here are the main points I see as barriers to more people seeking help for their pelvic health needs.
They don’t know enough about it.
They don’t self select themselves.
It’s not a priority, don’t have time, lack of awareness, can’t be bothered, ALL THE EXCUSES.
They don’t know HOW to access help or WHO to turn to.
Watch this video were I explain different bladder and bowel issues that are direct pelvic health care needs. Can you relate to any? If so, go and speak to a pelvic health care professional. Find your nearest one here.
When I first wanted to become a Physio I had NO IDEA that pelvic health physiotherapy existed.
During my first year of training when I did finally hear about it I literally thought NO WAY especially when I learnt about the pelvic floor aspect to the job!
Fast forward 8 years of NHS working and I had the privilege of working alongside a fantastic pelvic health physiotherapy team.
This area of Physio is essential for many, yet it is unknown by the majority.
When you turn to your GP for help with incontinence concerns, painful sex, scar concerns from c-section/perineum or even just aches and pains around the pelvis or constipation issues, pelvic health physio’s can help you out immensely.
Some do self referral, some take GP referrals, some take consultant referrals, it’s a minefield!
It is a post code lottery too, however, there is a directory of pelvic health physiotherapists as although many are NHS employed there are a lot more private pelvic health physio’s available.
You can search for one in your area HERE
Don’t delay the search as YOU ARE IMPORTANT.

A pelvic health physiotherapist may see a variety of ailments that mainly link to problems relating to the pelvic area.
These can be related to toileting issues, pelvic pain, pregnancy ailments, post natal tummy separation issues and such like. So let’s take a look at exactly what they commonly “see” patients for in clinic.
For al full list read more here…
Let’s bust some PELVIC HEALTH myths
Peeing your pants little or often can be extremely COMMON so please don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed about it if this is happening to you, but IT IS NOT NORMAL.
Equally, you don’t have to put up with those feelings, help is out there but it’s important you see the right person at the right time.
I’d highly recommend an assessment with a PELVIC HEALTH PHYSIOTHERAPIST.
This is a post code lottery I’m afraid. Sometimes you can self refer, sometimes you need a GP referral, sometimes only consultant or midwife referrals are accepted.
It depends on your local care quality commission and what they fund/don’t fund in your area. BONKERS, I KNOW!!
It doesn’t matter HOW MUCH or HOW LITTLE you leak or even WHEN (cough, sneeze, laugh, run, jump, can’t hold it in long enough) it is still classed as INCONTINENCE.

BARRIERS to pelvic health care.
If we all looked after our pelvic health like we do our teeth, hair or even nails for some of us, we would all benefit enormously.
BUT… because we can’t see the muscles inside and maybe because we’re not having issues, yet…it is often pushed to the bottom of the pile.
Here are some of the reasons (AKA EXCUSES) for me not doing my pelvic health care exercises;
Check YOUR VULVA out!
Ladies we really don’t talk about this nearly enough but its so important we regularly check our vulva for it’s general appearance so that post childbirth, or menopause, or surgery we know what was our “normal” state of affairs down there.
We need to be getting our daughters to check also and talking to them about the WHY this is important.
If you are worried you may have a pelvic organ prolapse, brilliant Jeanice from @mypelvicfloormuscles shows you a step by step demo in photos which I just love.
Now go grab a mirror and check out your lady parts!

Barriers to pelvic health care
BARRIERS to pelvic health care. If we all looked after our pelvic health like we do our teeth, hair or even nails for some of us we would all benefit enormously. BUT... because we can’t see the muscles inside and maybe because we’re not having issues, yet...it is...
Pelvic Health Myth Busting
Let's bust some PELVIC HEALTH myths Peeing your pants little or often can be extremely COMMON so please don't feel embarrassed or ashamed about it if this is happening to you, but IT IS NOT NORMAL. Equally, you don't have to put up with those feelings, help is out...
A little bit about PELVIC HEALTH and a PELVIC HEALTH PHYSIOTHERAPIST'S job. A pelvic health physiotherapist may see a variety of ailments that mainly link to problems relating to the pelvic area. These can be related to toileting issues, pelvic pain, pregnancy...
POGP, Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecology Physiotherapy professional body in the UK
Pelvic Floor First, Australia
ERIC: Children’s bladder and bowel charity
Pelvicroar – uniting pelvic health campaigns
The Well HQ – Health and training with a female filter
The Continence Foundation of Australia
Instagram Accounts to follow:
@mypelvicfloormuscles | @clarebournephysio | @physiomumuk | @pelvicguru1 | @umihealth | @pelvic.organ.party